Банки Кирова - Работа в банке - Credit applications processing unit manager

Credit applications processing unit manager, Kelly Services, 25.10.2010

Категория: Кредитование, Бэк-офис
Уровень вакансии: Руководители/заместители


• Verifying the correctness of the data entered in the application – clarifying any errors;
• Verifying the correctness of the data entered in the system by the Unit’s specialists – sorting out any mistakes;
• Contacting the relevant persons to obtain opinion on the client;
• An in-depth analysis of the data received fr om the credit bureau;
• Reconciliation of data on clients;
• Taking decisions within the max loan lim its set on the product on standard credit applications;
• Common decision making process with the Underwriting Team on certain cases;
• Reporting to the Underwriting Team on the quality of the decisions taken;
• Monitoring the time and quality of processing credit applications;
• Notifying credit decisions to the related Units;
• Carrying out trainings for the Unit’s specialists, coaching the new team members;
• Managing daily work of the Unit.


• The necessary knowledge involves the Russian Banking Law, Personal Data Protection regulations, the Civil Law, the Tax Law, methods of calculating income based on the financial documentation, methods of credit applications assessment as well as acquaintance with the internal Bank’s Regulations and Procedures;
• University education is a must as well as English literacy.

• Previous experience in a similar position is necessary to perform the above duties. The requirements include experience in credit applications assessment and limit authority in decision making process. Broad experience in identifying cases of obtaining loans by fraud;
• Underwriting experience in mortgages is a must;
• Personal credit authority limit.

• Analytical skills are a must; good communication skills are required as well;
• Computer literacy (Ms Office, Lotus Notes, Internet).


зарплата по договоренности

Дополнительня информация

Образование: высшее (экономическое, техническое)
Опыт работы: 4 года
Занятость: полная
Иностранный язык: английский (выше среднего/Upper-Intermediate)

Контактная информация

ФИО:Полина Скорова
Город: Москва
Телефон:(495) 961-14-07 доб 2143

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